
Time and progress are synonymous terms.
時間과 進步는 동의어다.
- Your Health, Joseph Pilates, 1934, p.2

H i s t o r y


- AFIC classic pilates conference presentation

- 지성소 by define OPEN


- 4th Classic Pilates Workshop with milli pilates in Japan

- GYROKINESIS® Foundation Course with Don Friedewald 개최

- 3nd Classic Pilates Workshop with milli pilates in Japan

- The Significance of the Basic order in Classical Pilates with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Manilla 초청

- True to the Core with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Ansan 초청

- GYROKINEIS® Pre-Training Course in Seoul

- The Root Workshop Day 1 with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 

- GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course in Seoul

- GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course in Busan


- 2nd Classic Pilates Workshop with milli pilates in Japan 

- 1st Classic Pilates Workshop with milli pilates in Japan

- Highway to the Center : Hip Knee Ankle with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- Classic Pilates Workshop with Sonje Mayo 개최

- 스튜디오 디파인 송파점 OPEN


- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course in Seoul OPEN

- Efficiency Workout with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in GimHae개최

- Jay's Apprentice in Seoul Presentation / 구경혜 대표

- Classic Pilates Workshop in Daegu개최 

- Reformer Sketch with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Gyeong Ju개최

- Scanning or Skimming with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Seoul개최

- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course OPEN

- True to the Core with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Gyeong Ju개최

- True to the Core with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Seoul개최


- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course OPEN

- Language of Pilates with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Gyeong Ju개최


- 2020 Classic Pilates Study 월간디파인 진행

- Pre&post-natal Pilates Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최


- Classic Pilates Workshop with Sandy Shimoda 개최
- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course OPEN
- Classic Pilates Workshop with Karen Frischmann 개최


- Classic Pilates Workshop with Alisa Wyatt 개최
- Classic Pilates Workshop The Mat 'Basic to Intermediate' with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최
- Classic Pilates Workshop The Reformer 'Basic to Intermediate' with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최
- 2018 Classic Pilates Study 진행


- 스튜디오 디파인 센텀시티점 OPEN
- Vintage Pilates 'The Work' 2017 수료 / 구경혜 대표
- GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course OPEN
- Classic Pilates Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Bangkok 'Origin I AM' / 구경혜 대표
- Refining yourself with Define Workshop with Andrea Maida & Kim Mills 개최
- Pilates Accessories Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최
- Prenatal Pilates Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최


- 스튜디오 디파인 마린시티점 OPEN
- GYROKINESIS® Pre-Training Course OPEN
- Prenatal Pilates with Kyung Hye, Sinclair Workshop 개최
- PAI Lv 1. Teacher Training Course OPEN
- Cardio Tramp Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최
- 다시보는 Joseph Pilates의 34 Mat Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최
- Vintage Pilates 'The Work' 2017 발탁 / 구경혜 대표


- PAI(Pilates Academy International) Lv 1. Teacher Training Course OPEN
- Silk Suspension Fundamental ⅠⅡ Workshop with Ole Eugenio 개최
- PAI(Pilates Academy International) Lv 2. Teacher Training Course OPEN
- Fascial Fitness with Daniela Meinl 개최
- Cardiolates® Teacher Training Course OPEN
- Reformer & Chair Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최
- Tower Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최
- Intermediate Chair Flow with Kyung Hye, Sinclair Workshop 개최
- Asia Fitness Convention in Bangkok Presentation / 구경혜 대표


- Classic Pilates Workshop with Jung Hee, Won 개최
- Franklin Method with Pat Guyton 개최
- GYROTONIC® Rejuvenation Workshop in Germany 참가 / 구경혜 대표
- PIA(Pilates In Asia) 교육 통역 / 구경혜 대표
- Pre&Postnatal Pilates Workshop with Jennifer Gianni 개최


- 스튜디오 디파인 해운대점 OPEN
- PIA(Pilates In Asia) 교육 통역 / 구경혜 대표
- The 1st Redcord International Conference 참가 / 구경혜 대표



- The Root Workshop Day 1 with Kyung Hye,Sinclair

- GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course in Busan

- GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course in Seoul


- 2nd Classic Pilates Workshop with millipilates in Japan 

- 1st Classic Pilates Workshop with millipilates in Japan 

- Highway to the Center : Hip Knee Ankle with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- Classic Pilates Workshop with Sonje Mayo 개최

- 스튜디오 디파인 송파점 OPEN


- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course in Seoul OPEN

- Efficiency Workout with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in GimHae개최

- Jay's Apprentice in Seoul Presentation / 구경혜 대표

- Classic Pilates Workshop in Daegu개최 

- Reformer Sketch with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Gyeong Ju개최

- Scanning or Skimming with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Seoul개최

- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course OPEN

- True to the Core with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Gyeong Ju개최

- True to the Core with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Seoul개최


- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course OPEN

- Language of Pilates with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in Gyeong  Ju


- 2020 Classic Pilates Study 월간디파인 진행

- Pre&post-natal Pilates Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최


- Classic Pilates Workshop with Sandy Shimoda 개최

- Classic Pilates Teacher Training Course OPEN

- Classic Pilates Workshop with Karen Frischmann 개최


- Classic Pilates Workshop with Alisa Wyatt 개최

- Classic Pilates Workshop The Mat 'Basic to Intermediate'   with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- Classic Pilates Workshop The Reformer 'Basic to Intermediate' with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- 2018 Classic Pilates Study 진행


- 스튜디오 디파인 센텀시티점 OPEN

- Vintage Pilates 'The Work' 2017 수료 / 구경혜 대표

- GYROTONIC® Pre-Training Course OPEN

- Classic Pilates Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair in  Bangkok 'Origin I AM' / 구경혜 대표

- Refining yourself with Define Workshop with Andrea Maida & Kim Mills 개최

- Pilates Accessories Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- Prenatal Pilates Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최


- 스튜디오 디파인 마린시티점 OPEN

- GYROKINESIS® Pre-Training Course OPEN

- Prenatal Pilates with Kyung Hye, Sinclair Workshop 개최

- PAI Lv 1. Teacher Training Course OPEN

- Cardio Tramp Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- 다시보는 Joseph Pilates의 34 Mat Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- Vintage Pilates 'The Work' 2017 발탁 / 구경혜 대표


- PAI(Pilates Academy International) Lv 1. Teacher Training Course OPEN

- Silk Suspension Fundamental ⅠⅡ Workshop with Ole Eugenio 개최

- PAI(Pilates Academy International) Lv 2. Teacher Training Course OPEN

- Fascial Fitness with Daniela Meinl 개최

- Cardiolates® Teacher Training Course OPEN

- Reformer & Chair Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- Tower Workshop with Kyung Hye, Sinclair 개최

- Intermediate Chair Flow with Kyung Hye, Sinclair Workshop 개최

- Asia Fitness Convention in Bangkok Presentation / 구경혜 대표


- Classic Pilates Workshop with Jung Hee, Won 개최

- Franklin Method with Pat Guyton 개최

- GYROTONIC® Rejuvenation Workshop in Germany 참가 / 구경혜 대표

- PIA(Pilates In Asia) 교육 통역 / 구경혜 대표

- Pre&Postnatal Pilates Workshop with Jennifer Gianni 개최


- 스튜디오 디파인 해운대점 OPEN
- PIA(Pilates In Asia) 교육 통역 / 구경혜 대표
- The 1st Redcord International Conference 참가 / 구경혜 대표


서울시 송파구 가락로 155, 

영진빌딩 301&302호

301&302ho, 155 Garak-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul

Republic of Korea 


Tel.  82-(0)2-425-1202

Mobile. 82-(0)10-3052-1202



Add. 서울특별시 송파구 가락로 155, 영진빌딩 3층 301&302호

 301&302ho, 155 Garak-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea 


Tel. 02-425-1202

Mobile. 82-(0)10-3052-1202


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